
RPG informative game


Me and 2 other people got this project as a job assignment from a company called Interxion. they wanted us to improve their game about their data center. It is a game made to show kids that servers and data transfer isnt boring or difficult.

Art Improvement

My main task was to improve the art. They also asked me to remake the female and male character that was already in the game and they asked me to make an extra third character that looks non-binary.
Here you can see the non-binary character in the player select screen.


Art Improvement 2

I also improved the quality of sprites and art assets to fit the resolution of every other asset.



For this project we used Unity as our main engine. I designed and made the new sprites in Aseprite, a simple to use pixel art editor. And i used VSCode to put the characters in the player index so they could be selected in-game.


Unity 2019.3



VS Code

Projects' code editor



Pixel art software


It was really excited to have my first paid Game-Developing job. I really got an idea of what having a client to develop for feels like. And for my first assigned job i am really happy how it went.